Fundraising Events
One way in which Turn Bucks Blue raises money is through paid events. Some, like our June Bucks County House Tour, are public. Others are private events such as small dinners with celebrity chefs held by some very generous supporters.
Please add your name to the mailing list below to be notified about the next house tour. If you are interested in hearing more about private fundraiser events, please contact us anytime.
2024 Bucks County House Tour

Temperatures in the 90s weren't about to deter 300 democracy-loving individuals on June 23. That's how many visited Drumbore Farm, Black House Farm, and Coda, the three spectacular properties on view this year.
Thank you - to our homeowners, ticket holders, volunteers, and sponsors - everyone who made TBB's 2024 Bucks County House Tour our most successful to date.
Your contribution will power TBB's investment in the 2024 elections and beyond. Thanks to you, this year we will:
Expand the number of Democrat-supporting voters who request mail-in ballots, because the vast majority of those who request a ballot use it!
Ensure candidates in key PA Congressional races have the resources they need to increase the Democratic majority in the PA House and build towards a Democratic majority in the Senate!

2024 Sponsors
Mark Ansley and Peter Miller
Margaret and Matt Balitsaris
Barbara Donnelly Bentivoglio
Claudia and Ken Boyle
Margaret Watson Brown and Paul Brown
Bonnie Chang and Robert Hsu
Judy Chang Cody
Abbie and Patrick Dean
Erin and Rick Defieux
John R. Devincentis and Dennis Mankin
Susan B. and John H. Eichert
Heidi and Neal Feigles
Amy McKenna Fell and Bruce Fell
Jane and Tony Ford-Hutchinson
Christina Greenwood
Jacqui and David Griffith
Ginger Hardwick
Alison and Richard Hargreaves
Cheryl Hazan and Marti Sagar
Candace Jones and Stephen Phillips
Jill Kearney and Stephen McDonnell
Sally Kohn and Sarah Hansen
Nancy and Brad Levie
Susan Lipkins
Dianne Magee
Ellie and Jeff Marrazzo
Art Mazzei and George Kuebrich
Christopher Pappo
Suzanne Perrault and David Rago
Mark Petty
John Sebesta and Bill Tomai
Ivy Silver
Spring Creek Farm
Louise and David Strawbridge
Helen Tai and John F. McDevitt
Barbara and Robert Tiffany
Rebecca Tillet and Patty Ellis
Miriam and Jeff Tucker
Janice and Mark Waldman
Susan and Bruce Wallace
The 2023 Bucks County House Tour

We said it couldn't be done again, but we were wrong. The 2023 Bucks County House Tour (our second) sold out! We owe it all to the taste and generosity of the owners of Lodi Hill Farm; SILO 6776; and the Fullam Residence. Each of their properties was discerningly designed and furnished and each was singular. Thanks, too, to our generous sponsors, indefatigable house managers, enthusiastic volunteers, and appreciative ticket holders. The support provided by all goes to fulfill the TBB mission: electing Democrats in Bucks County and promoting and protecting democratic values in civic life and at all levels of government. We absolutely could not do it without defenders of democracy like you.
2023 Sponsors
Erna Akuginow and Geoffrey Haines-Stiles
Brent Alderfer
Michelle and David Bader
Claudia and Ken Boyle
Margaret Watson Brown and Paul Brown
Sarah and Chris Candido
Bonnie Chang and Robert Hsu
Dana and Neil Cohen
Sharon D'Agostino
Erin and Rick Defieux
Margaret Dulaney and Matt Balitsaris
Susan and John Eichert
Elizabeth and Joseph Falconi
Heidi and Neal Feigles
Tina Greenwood
Jacqui and David Griffith
Alison and Richard Hargreaves
Cheryl Hazan and Marti Sagar
Sally and Dick Henriques
Candice Jones and Stephen Phillips
Jill Kearney and Steve McDonnell
Paul Lang III, Inn at Centre Bridge
Julie and Bill Levinson
Dianne Magee
Dennis Mankin and John Devincentis
Nancy and Mike Marrazzo
Art Mazzei and George Kuebrich
Peter Miller and Mark Ansley
Mark Petty
June Rothkopf
John Sebesta and Bill Tomai
Thomas Taft
Helen Tai and John McDevitt
Rebecca Tillet and Patty Ellis
Miriam and Jeff Tucker
Christy and Scott Wallace
Susan and Bruce Wallace
Eric Wolff and Dan Cui
Mark Worth
The 2022 Bucks County House Tour

TBB's 2022 Bucks County House Tour took place on a hot, sunny day in late June. It was our first try at a public event. And it worked perfectly, if you don't count the shuttle bus that wouldn't go through the covered bridge. We knew we wanted properties that were exceptional in multiple ways and very different one from the other. Luckily for us, the homeowners we needed stepped up. The tour featured the Glass Barn, a modern take on a classic rural form; Spring Creek Farm, an 18th c. stoney run on 21st c. systems paired with a thriving CSA; and Perelman Farm, an eclectic, artistic complex on rolling acres that once belonged to the American humorist and screenwriter S.J. Perelman. Over forty sponsors, three house managers, scores of volunteers, and hundreds of ticket holders stepped up as well. We had a hugely successful day for all concerned, for Democrats, and for our democracy.
2022 Sponsors
Brent Alderfer
Majid Alsayegh
Anonymous (2)
Anonymous (Durham Township)
Michelle and David Bader
Stephanie and Steve Bariahtaris
Tina and Doug Borden
Claudia and Ken Boyle
Margaret Watson Brown and Paul Brown
Sarah and Chris Candido
Judy Chang Cody
Sharon D'Agostino
Linda McDowell Davis
Erin and Richard Defieux
John DeVincentis and Dennis Mankin
David Fierabend and John McDonald
Lalo Flores
Connie Gillis and Deborah Hinckley
Lynn and Bill Goldman
Christina P. Greenwood
Jacqui and David Griffith
Ginger Hardwick
Alison and Richard Hargreaves
Sally and Richard Henriques
Jane and Tony Ford- Hutchinson
Candace Jones and Stephen Phillips
Jill Kearney and Stephen McDonnell
Nancy and Brad Levie
Dianne C. Magee
Art Mazzei and George Kuebrich
John McDowell and David Fierabend
Ann Marie Murray
Christopher Pappo
Suzanne Perrault and David Rago
Mark Petty
Peyton M. Petty
Sheri Ranger and George Pierson
Laurie Schutt
Antonetta Stancu and Michael Ofenheim
Louise and Paul Swartz
Tom Taft
Barbara and Robert Tiffany
Rebecca Tillet and Patty Ellis
Miriam and Jeff Tucker
Janice and Mark Waldman
Christy and Scott Wallace
Susan and Bruce Wallace
Dine for Democracy
Private Dinner Party
Chez Panisse (and FinnBar) chef
Cal Peternell
Erwinna, PA
October 30, 2022